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Effluent from industry must meet the National Standards for waste water set by Government. Effluent Treatment plant ETP or Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) should design & operated in such a way, that it treats the waste water to these standards.

Sewage treatment is a type of wastewater treatment which aims to remove contaminants from sewage to produce an effluent that is suitable to discharge to the surrounding environment or an intended reuse application, thereby preventing water pollution from raw sewage discharges. Wikipedia

Effluent treatment palnt is a waste water treatment, etp process includes Physio-Chemical treatment, Polishing Treatments as Sand Filtration, ..

Greywater is defined as wastewater that is produced domestically without the inclusion of sewage. Sewage differs from greywater mainly due to its greater density of organic loading. With effective purification, greywater can be of great use to various applications such as irrigation, toilet flushing, laundry, etc.

The principle of operation of ETP is Physico-Chemical treatment followed by Polishing Treatments like ïSand Filtration, Activated Charcoal treatment (Adsorption) ...

The principle of operation of ETP is Physico-Chemical treatment followed by Polishing Treatments like ïSand Filtration, Activated Charcoal treatment (Adsorption) ...

Sewage treatment is a type of wastewater treatment which aims to remove contaminants from sewage to produce an effluent that is suitable to discharge to the surrounding environment or an intended reuse application, thereby preventing water pollution from raw sewage discharges.

ffluent is an outflow of water or gas from a natural body of water, or from a human made structure and in engineering, is the stream exiting a chemical reactor. It can also be defined as Treated or Untreated Waste water, that flows out of a treatment plant, sewage, or industrial outlet.

ffluent is an outflow of water or gas from a natural body of water, or from a human made structure and in engineering, is the stream exiting a chemical reactor. It can also be defined as Treated or Untreated Waste water, that flows out of a treatment plant, sewage, or industrial outlet.

Water is one of the most important components used in all types of industry. It is used in many processes of Industry. It may be used for washing, cooling, Heat Exchanging, condensing the steam etc. But Water used in industry is not consumed.

Industrial waste water treatment covers the mechanisms and processes used for waste water treatment that have been contaminated in some way by anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment or its re-use.

Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP is one type of waste water treatment method which is particularly designed to purify industrial waste water for its reuse and itïs aim is to release safe water to environment from the harmful effect caused by the effluent.

The Effluent treatment plants (ETP) are used for the removal of high amounts of organic compounds, debris, dirt, grit, pollution, toxic, non-toxic materials and .

The ETP Plant works at various levels and involves various physical, chemical, biological and membrane processes to treat waste water from different industrial sectors like chemicals, drugs, pharmaceutical, refineries, dairy, ready mix plants & textile etc.

Sewage treatment is a type of wastewater treatment which aims to remove contaminants from sewage to produce an effluent that is suitable to discharge to the surrounding environment or an intended reuse application, thereby preventing water pollution from raw sewage discharges.

An Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a specialized facility designed to treat and purify industrial wastewater before its safe discharge into the environment.

Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP is one type of waste water treatment method which is particularly designed to purify industrial waste water for its reuse and itïs aim is to release safe water to environment from the harmful effect caused by the effluent.

The ETP Plant works at various levels and involves various physical, chemical, biological and membrane processes to treat waste water from different industrial sectors like chemicals, drugs, pharmaceutical, refineries, dairy, ready mix plants & textile etc.

An Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a specialized facility designed to treat and purify industrial wastewater before its safe discharge into the environment.

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௭௭௭௭௭௭௭௭, सुपर வெபுப்பர் இட்டி, बेलहर रोड, नल्लाछपरा पूर्व, वसई पायरर,पालघर - 401208, महाराष्ट्र, भारत
फ़ोन :07317187859
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मोबाइल :07317187859